Adaptive Toy Program
Providing adapted toys for children with special needs.
What we do.
As exemplified in Walla Walla University’s dedication to generosity in service, students involved in the Adaptive Toy Program adapt toys for pre school developmentally aged children. The small buttons present in many market toys are replaced with a unique switch adapted to each child’s specific needs. Toy adaptation provides a humanitarian outlet for both engineers and non-engineers to help families with disabled children. The project hopes to inspire students to make a positive impact in their communities.
How does the program work?
Complete a toy request form.
(We welcome toy requests from anyone!) -
Once your request is approved, the toys will be adapted during the next Toy Hack Workshop.*
You will be notified when your newly adapted toys are available.
*Toys will be approved based on need and available funding. Not all requested toys are guaranteed adaptable.

Adapted toys at the Walla Walla Valley Disability Network Holiday Party.
December 4, 2018